Facts About FACEBOOK

Facts about Facebook 

1.    Facebook was originally called Facemash. Later change to the Facebook and finally Facebook.
2.    Facebook now has over 1 billion active user and half of them log in to their account every single day.
3.    In United States 95% of Americans use Facebook.
4.     Facebook will pay you money if you able to hack into the web site.
5.    More than thirty million Facebook accounts right now belong to dead people.
6.    First registered user was Mark Zuckerberg.
7.    More than 350 million people are affected   by FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder).
8.    There are over 10 million apps on Facebook.
9.    More than 50 million pages.
10.700 million active users per day.
11150 billion friend connection.
12.  Over 1 trillion likes.
13.  Total numbers of photos on Facebook is 240 billion.
14.  Around 85 million fake accounts are on Facebook.
15.  Average uses have around 140 numbers of friends.
16.   Average user spends 1 hour a day.
17.   70 languages are available on Facebook.

118.  Facebook has over 5000 employees.
